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Category Archives: My Garden Grows

The Nursery; 364 Days In

The Nursery; 364 Days In

With the completion of the Burke propeller base Tulip chair two days ago, I have now, finally, completed Carroll’s nursery – and not a day too soon. Literally. He turns one tomorrow. Months ago I told myself I would get his room completed and shared on my blog before he turns one. Good thing it was a sunny morning for photos.

My wife and I worked really hard in designing this room and it has held up quite nice as our newborn has turned into a toddler, very soon to be a walker. We took great care into designing every single detail with thought and pride. We knew we didn’t want this room to look like other nurseries, and we despise the look of what’s available at the big box baby stores. The solution: build it ourselves. Of the seven pieces of furniture in his room, five of them were built, rebuilt, or repurposed almost from scratch by me, with upholstery assistance from my mother. The remaining items were sourced out and the accent pieces hand made or picked by fellow artists and siblings.

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My Garden Grows: The First 90

My Garden Grows: The First 90

You’re three months old today. Three. Do you believe that? Your mother and I have somehow managed to not pull our hair out, stay calm, and make you into a happy, smiley, loving little monster boy. These last three months have been the most difficult, trying, patience-searching, amazing, beautiful, loving three months that neither your mother or I have ever experienced. I’m sure your mother will agree: being your father (mother) is by far the greatest thing we’ve ever accomplished and ever will. Nothing can compare, not even our wedding day. Even when you’re being fussy and all I want to do is set you down, I walk past that mirror outside your bedroom and we make eye contact, you smile at me, all my frustrations melt away. You have a special effect on me.

From the moment I told the nurse your name in the delivery room, until this morning, we’ve been having fun and trying to make your adventure as exciting (and safe) as possible. You’re such a strong boy and you’re growing so fast, we constantly want to try new things with you. Mostly your mother tells me not yet, and I say “If it’s not working I’ll stop.” It usually works. I’ve yet to toss you more than two inches in the air, but really looking forward to launching you like 30 feet or something like that. We’ll make sure mommy is not around.

–lots of pictures–

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My Garden Grows: the birth, part II

My Garden Grows: the birth, part II

Hopefully you’ll never have to be the “new kid” in class. Every single set of eyes in the room watches every single thing you do, scanning you up and down as you breath. When you walk into that room, they’ll make you feel as though you were the biggest freak at the freak show. I had the good fortune to experience that twice as a child; first in second grade as I joined Hinkle Creek Elementary in Noblesville Indiana, and again a few years later mid year in fifth grade at Williamston Elementary, outside Lansing. Those moments, as I learned yesterday, were preparing me for what I experienced as I walked through that door. I flash back. It may as well have been Miss Winkleman or Miss Campbell who walked me through that door.

I’m not sure what I was expecting to see when I walked in there, but it definitely was not what I saw. I stomped dead in my tracks. Had I not had booties on, my shoes would have squeaked. It was straight out of a creepy movie. I let out a soft nervous chuckle. No one else did.

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My Garden Grows: the birth, part I

My Garden Grows: the birth, part I

I got a phone call from your mother yesterday morning at 8:23 (a Thursday). Actually, it was your mother, but it wasn’t your mother’s phone. Through sleepy eyes, better judgement told me to answer it even thought I didn’t recognize the number.

“Hey, it’s me. Now, don’t panic, but….”

I panicked. How does one not panic when you’re awoken by a phone call from your wife who’s sitting in an office bathroom, stuck in a stall, using a co-workers cell phone, explaining to you that her water broke and continues to drain, even though she’s only in week 35 of a pregnancy which we were told a pretty sure thing would probably go to 41 weeks? I cursed.

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My Garden Grows

My Garden Grows

01 | 03 | 2012 – Tuesday

Today we found out for sure you were on your way. On Saturday morning your mother peed on one of those sticks because she was a whopping two days late. It came out with two lines: preggo. Holy shit that was fast (don’t talk like me; do as I say, not as I do). She came into my office, cool calm and collected, and just handed it to me. My reaction surprised me: I didn’t react. I think it surprised your mother as well. “Well, good.” I said.

“That’s it?”

“Well, it’s what we’ve been planning. It’s not like it’s a surprise. It’s supposed to happen that way. Your last month on birth control was September and at the end of November there was a good chance it was out of your system.”

“I just didn’t think it was going to happen this fast” She said.

“Yeah, I know. You thought it would take a year. Remember what I…..

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